Hey, im on the Kujata server, and im wanting to start on alchemy, if anyone could reply with the best path to take from 0-60 it would be great! thank you and have a good day!
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{Help me out!} {please}
Re: {Help me out!} {please}
The sticky covers it pretty well. You'll need to double-check Kujata's prices, but that's the case with any craft and its attendant guides.Ellipses on Fenrir
There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
. . .
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Re: {Help me out!} {please}
I will tell you what I lvled from 1-60 on and any other ideas I have of the cheapest or best way I think for those lvls 1-60, I hope this helps.
1-3 Antidote = Water crystal 1 Wijnruit + 1 Sandorian grape + 1 Distilled water
The items for this recipe are very cheap. I would only go one lvl on either this recipe or on Beeswax.
1-5 Beeswax = Water crystal + 1 Distilled water + 3 Beehive chips
Easy recipe, though youll loose a little bit of gil the Beeswax sell quickly or could be used later for silent oils if you wish if your not strapped for gil.
The reason only to go to lvl 1 on the above recipes. If you start on water day and face west you can easily use this recipe for lvl 1-6. But its easier over all if your at lvl 1 to start.
2-6 Tsurara = Water crystal + 1 distilled water + 2 Rock salt
very cheap, can do it all in windhurst waters off of the Cooking guild and the nearby tavern.
Get yourself like 6 stacks of sage form an alchemy guild where they sell cheap then go to Rainbroys grocery in S Sandoria where the rest of the recipe is also very cheap and make this till lvl 10.
6-10 Deodorizer = Wind crystal + 1 sage + 1 chamomile + 1 sage
Some would go 10-15 using crackers like I did, but there is a better way to 15/16 then that.
You can grab some yellow globes cheap form an AH and make.
10-12 Poison dust = Lightning crystal + 2 yellow globes
Hold on to those dusts.
You can get all the cobalt jellies you need from AH ussually, many are at the Alchemy guild cheap on a ussual basis.
12-16 Mercury = Lightning cyrstal + 4 cobalt jellyfish
You are actually fine to go only 1 lvl on this recipe, but you must do atleast one lvl on this recipe to reach 13 so you are within good lvl crafting range for the next recipe which involves what you have been making if you are following this.
13-18 Poison potion = Water crystal + 1 mercury + 1 poison dust
If you are already lvl 13 and under 18 you can buy some mercury in the AH and then chill out with the gob that sells poison dust cheap in the Goblin store in Lower Jueno.
You may only want to take poison potions to lvl 15 because it this next very cheap and a well selling consumable .
15-20 Echo drops = Water crystal + 1 sage + 1 honey + 1 Distilled water
Twinkle powder sells in Windhurst Waters in a shop I dont remember the name of. Where you get the npc sold harvesting items.
20-25 Twinkle shower = Earth crystal + 1 Twinkle powder + 1 firesand + 1 Bast Parchment
This is the route I took to profit while I lvl and avoid losing gil to the non HQing of silent oils. These took a really long time to sell.
20-24 Silent oils = Water cyrstal + 2 Beeswax + 1 Slime oil
Sells very fast.
2 routes from 25-30
easiest is to buy Ahriman tears form AH, go to rainbroys grocery and start making these.
25-30 Eye drops = water crystal + 1 chamomile + 1 ahriman tears
30-35 can be annoying that the things you can best lvl off of are hard on your inventory space.
30-34 Artificial lense = Fire crystal + 2 glass fibers
If you watch the guild prices closesly, sometimes players do not buy glass from the guilds for large parts of the day where the prices for the glass will fall far below the AH cost, you can then profit off of these. They do not stack.
Rain lily sells in the flower shop in Upper Jueno
30-35 Little Comets = Earth crystal + 1 rain lily + 1 firesand + 2 bast parchment
Very pleasurable to play with.
35-40 is very easy and you can either profit or have fun by these 2 recipes.
Sulfur best bought in Bastok alchemy guild which is just a couple zones form bastok metalworks where an npc sells bomb ash in the gunpowder room.
35-40 Firesand = Earth crystal + 1 Sulfur + 2 Bomb ash
If you have bothered to gain the concoction ability you can take this recipe for potion which uses water crystal and make a stackable version by using fire crystals instead.
35-40 Potion = water crystal + 1 sage + 1 lizard tail + 1 distilled water
Yes you can make prism powders at lvl till lvl 41 but it is much cheaper to just do this recipe.
38-43 Vitroil = water crystal + 2 treant bulb
This is the best way to get to lvl 45 from 43. Make it in the gunpowder room.
43-45 Carbon fiber = Lightning crystal + 4 bomb ash
This may make you some gil with this, I suggest if you are selling these to do it through a Jueno mule. Dried marjoram sells at the alchemy guild cheap. You can concoct this recipe.
45-50 Ether = Water crystal = 2 bat wings + 1 dryad root + 1 dried marjoram + 1 distilled water.
If you want, this here recipe is extremely easy to deal with.
46-51 Holy water = Light crystal + distilled water
You should atleast go from 50-51 with this recipe because the next recipe you should lvl on is at lvl 56 cap, and you need to be at 5 lvls below cap of recipe to get a decent start on the given lvling phase, or recipe your using to lvl with.
51-56 Sleeping potion = Water crystal + 1 sleepshroom + 1 poison flour + 1 chamomile
and finally
55-60 Hi-potion = water crystal + 1 Marlboro vine + 2 sage + 1 distilled water
You can concoct these for decent profit, expecially if you buy the vines for cheap at the guild.sigpic
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Re: {Help me out!} {please}
I'd start by learning to use this
Some tips:
1 -> 6 just do tsurara and forget about wasting gil on bee'swax or antidotes it's a short stretch and you will skillup on breaks as soon as you hit level 1
9 -> 16 Mercury
Mercury 16 Lightning Cobalt Jellyfish x4
16 -> 20 Echo drops (they sell fast)
Echo Drops 20 Water Sage, Distilled Water, Honey
20 -> 24 Silent oils (buy the bee'swax it's discounted usually over what you'd hq at this point)
Silent Oil x4 24 Water Slime Oil, Beeswax x2
level cooking to 6 with some other guide
24 -> 28 Sarui Ran (sells fast one of the more commonly used ninja tools, will take cooking to 11)
Sairui-Ran x33 28 Recruit Cooking(11) Earth Kazham Peppers, Bomb Ash, Bird Egg, Bast Parchment
if you have smithing somewhat leveled (I suggest you do level it on copper ignots to around 10 i think) you can do
Blind Bolt Heads x6 31 Recruit Smithing(14) Wind Animal Glue, Bronze Ingot, Blinding Potion
31 -> 35 Bronze bullets (turn them into pouches and sell a stack of bronze bullet pouches)
Expensive stage but you should make most of it back
Bronze Bullet x33 38 Recruit Smithing(13) Fire Bronze Ingot, Firesand
35 -> 40 Firesand - Both are npc bought and sell somewhat quickly for some profit sometimes
Firesand x2 40 Earth Bomb Ash x2, Sulfur
Cheaper route
35 -> 40 Potion - I did this, it sucks take your time and do firesand instead
Potion 40 Water Sage, Lizard Tail, Distilled Water
40 -> 43 Vitriol - cheap to make and useful later
Vitriol 43 Water Treant Bulb x2
43 -> 45 Acid Bolt heads (should be slight profit)
Acid Bolt Heads x6 45 Recruit Smithing(14) Wind Animal Glue, Bronze Ingot, Vitriol
45 -> 50 Holy Water (keep the water)
Holy Water 51 Light Distilled Water
50 -> 53 Holy Bolt Heads (should be slight profit)
Holy Bolt Heads x6 53 Recruit Smithing(14) Wind Bronze Ingot, Holy Water x2
53 -> 56 Sleeping Potion (should be slight profit)
Sleeping Potion 56 Water Chamomile, Sleepshroom, Poison Flour
56 -> 60 Glass Fiber (shouldn't loose too much gil if you are smart)
Glass Fiber 61 Fire Flint Stone x8
the higher you go the more accustomed you should get to loosing gil to skillup but till 60 at least you can get most of the way while profiting (at least a tiny bit on some points or loosing a minimum of gil)
This guide is a mix between doing it fast and loosing the smallest amount of gil in the process.Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking
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